One of the biggest music festivals in Czech Republic presenting world-famous music stars.
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Panenský Týnec
The International Music Festival of the Human Voice presents musicians of various genres, which are connected by a unique vocal expression.
amfiteátr na Stráni
Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Luční 506
Music festival with two stages, which present Czech a Slovak artists, theater stage and coffee shop with cinema
Razov 472
Multigenre festival Vivid Street - Pilsen Encounters continues with an eighteen–year old tradition, whose predecessor was the festival Na ulici (On the street), which in the time leading up to reaching it's full age build up an excellent reputation in the whole town of Plzeň. With honor to tradition and precision typical to us, to the west bohemian metropolis we want to bring music, theatre and other activities on an international level. We want to transform the the squares and parks of Plzeň into one big stage, the way we do with the biggest street theatre festival Za dveřmi (Behind doors) or the accompanying program of the music festival United Islands. Both programs for several years have put summer boredom in Prague into the past. That's exactly how we want to transform summer Plzeň into a vibrant culture center.