Metal open air festival in Czech Republic.
Subjects: 24
Areál koupaliště
Kostelec nad Orlicí
541 01
Brutal Assault is one of the biggest festivals in Europe taking part in Josefov. Line-up has over 100 artist.
Okružní 313
"Folk Holidays" Náměšť nad Oslavou is an extraordinary music Festival. These 8 days many visitors spend as their real music, art and dancing holidays, of which they can be either active or passive participants. They are surro unded by the charming environment of the Naměšť Renaissance chateau, chateau park, adjacent environs of the Oslava river in the town as well as outside the town.
Every evening music programme of the Festival has its theme, its set up, with no genre borders - world, ethnic and folklore music, jazz, rock, folk, classical music. For the coming musicians the Festival often is an inspiration for an untraditional special concert - it is not unusual that they stay for several days, even just as spectators in the audience or as workshop participants.
The Festival is not just the evening concerts at the chateau courtyard. During the Festival days a number of workshops take place - you can e.g. learn to play the basics of some interesting musical instrument, jam and talk with musicians, who the previous evening enthused the courtyard, create your own drawings, paintings, silkscreen printings, objects, write your own text and poetry. Several hours in the afternoon belong regularly to so-called "Open Scene", where interesting, less known, music groups perform on a small stage behind the Baroque Hospital in the town by the Oslava river. And at night not only does the Festival camp come alive with music, but also the chapel of the Baroque Hospital.
The Festival is also unusual thanks to the number of international guests. The Folk Holidays Festival is a festival of outstanding music as well as non-music experiences and inspirations.
Masarykovo nám. 100
Náměšť nad Oslavou
675 71
Hip Hop Kemp is the largest hip hop festival in the Central and Eastern Europe. Hip Hop Kemp is repeatedly included among the 50 best festivals in the world by CNN. It takes place at Festivalpark near Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic. Every year over 20 thousand fans and rap stars from all over the world visit this feast of rap. Be part of it!
Letiště 38
Hradec Králové
The Petr Dvorský Music Festival focuses mainly on the human voice. In many genres, from classics of all periods to pop, jazz and folklore, top Czech and foreign artists present themselves at it. In addition to its patron Petr Dvorský, the festival hosted, for example, Jelena Obrazcová, Kiri Te Kanawa, Montserrat Caballé, Karel Gott, Lucia Bílá, Mira Žbirka and Ewa Farná.
Grohova 126/32
602 00
Hudební léto Kuks je mezinárodní festival klasické hudby konaný v kostele Nejsvětější Trojice v Kuksu.
V minulých letech zde již účinkovali:
houslisté Ivan Ženatý, Václav Hudeček, Josef Špaček, Gabriela Demeterová, basbarytonisté Adam Plachetka, Markus Flaig (Německo), Ivan Kusnjer, kontratenorista David Erler (Německo), sopranistky Martina Janková, Michiyo Keiko (Japonsko), Natalia Rubiś (Polsko), Jana Jonášová, Kateřina Kněžíková, mezzosopranistka Dagmar Pecková, tenorista Virgil Hartinger (Rakousko), violoncellista Jiří Bárta, hornista Radek Baborák, trumpetisté Otto Sauter (Německo), Miroslav Kejmar, harfistka Jana Boušková, varhaníci Jaroslav Tůma, Aleš Bárta a Wacław Golonka (Polsko), cembalisté Vojtěch Spurný, Barbara Maria Willi, hobojista Vilém Veverka, klarinetisté Claudio Mansutti (Itálie) a Ludmila Peterková, kytaristé Marco Socías (Španělsko), Carlo Domeniconi (Itálie) a Pavel Steidl;
orchestry a soubory: Filharmonie Hradec Králové, Severočeská filharmonie Teplice, Komorní filharmonie Pardubice, Collegium 1704, Ensemble Inégal, Musica Florea, Collegium Marianum, Bennewitz Quartet, Wihanovo kvarteto, Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, Český filharmonický sbor Brno, Martinů Voices, Český chlapecký sbor Boni pueri;
dirigenti a umělečtí vedoucí: Vojtěch Spurný, Marek Šedivý, Marek Štryncl, Václav Luks, Adam Viktora, David Eben, Petr Fiala, Jana Semerádová a další.
V rámci festivalu jsou rovněž uváděny skladby v novodobých premiérách. Jde především o kompozice z kukského archivu (Wernera Hymbra, Josepha Faltise, Maxima Jantschara, Wernera Zicha a Stephana Sailera), který založili v polovině 18. století členové řádu milosrdných bratří. Provedeny byly i novodobé premiéry z jiných pramenů, šlo např. o díla Václava Vodičky nebo Jakuba Jana Ryby.
Kuks Music Summer is an international festival of classical music held in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Kuks.
In recent years, the following have performed here:
violinists Ivan Ženatý, Václav Hudeček, Josef Špaček, Gabriela Demeterová, bass baritone Adam Plachetka, Markus Flaig (Germany), Ivan Kusnjer, countertenor David Erler (Germany), sopranos Martina Janková, Michiyo Keiko (Japan), Natalia Rubiś (Poland), Jana Jonášová, Kateřina Kněžíková, mezzo-soprano Dagmar Pecková, tenor Virgil Hartinger (Austria), cellist Jiří Bárta, horn player Radek Baborák, trumpet players Otto Sauter (Germany), Miroslav Kejmar, harpist Jana Boušková, organists Jaroslav Tůma, Aleš Bárta and Wacław Golon , harpsichordists Vojtěch Spurný, Barbara Maria Willi, oboist Vilém Veverka, clarinetists Claudio Mansutti (Italy) and Ludmila Peterková, guitarists Marco Socías (Spain), Carlo Domeniconi (Italy) and Pavel Steidl;
orchestras and ensembles: Hradec Králové Philharmonic, North Bohemian Philharmonic Teplice, Pardubice Chamber Philharmonic, Collegium 1704, Ensemble Inégal, Musica Florea, Collegium Marianum, Bennewitz Quartet, Wihan Quartet, Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno, Martinů Voicesi Czech Guy leather;
conductors and artistic leaders: Vojtěch Spurný, Marek Šedivý, Marek Štryncl, Václav Luks, Adam Viktora, David Eben, Petr Fiala, Jana Semerádová and others.
The festival also presents compositions in modern premieres. These are mainly compositions from the Kuk archives (Werner Hymbre, Joseph Faltis, Maxim Jantschar, Werner Stier and Stephan Sailer), which were founded in the middle of the 18th century by members of the Order of Merciful Brothers. Modern premieres from other sources were also performed, such as the works of Václav Vodička or Jakub Jan Ryba.