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Slovácký rok

Slovácký rok

South Moravian South Moravian


Slovácký year - the largest folk event, which is like the Olympics repeated only once every four years

The gates of the royal town Kyjova are opened to the lovers of traditions, folk music, songs, dances, and above all great fun to open in August this year the twentieth time. Center Kyjov Dolňácko again after four years become a mecca folklorists from Bohemia, Moravia and abroad.
Thousands of performers during the four days of the festival will present more than three dozen programs. The procession numbering 3,000 costumes from all municipalities in the region brighten Kyjov square bright colors richly decorated costumes. Folk fair show knack Czech and Moravian artisans. Lively songs, accompanied by a magic violin and dulcimer tones, interrupted and church bells summoning the solemn Sunday Mass, and the sound of hooves beneath the rider's seat Ride of the Kings speeding gallop from Skoronice the majestic town hall Kyjov.
Experience the excitement when he ascends to heaven, tall and slender maypole as a sign of the beginning of the festivities and the beautiful feeling of nostalgia when the Sunday early evening cut down to the ground, and three days and nights the throbbing heart of Slovakia slowly fades.

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Masarykovo náměstí 34/3
Kyjov 1
697 01

Stone Smoker Festival

Stone Smoker Festival

Vysočina Vysočina




    Meziříčko u Želetavy

    Svatováclavský hudební festival

    Svatováclavský hudební festival

    Moravian-Silesian Moravian-Silesian


    The St. Wenceslas Music Festival (SHF) is the largest international festival of sacred and so-called early music in the Czech Republic. Since its inception in 2004, SHF has been held annually not only in Ostrava, but also in many churches throughout the Moravian-Silesian Region during the month of September (the first 10 years took place between two public holidays, September 28 - October 28). Traditionally, more than thirty concerts are celebrated by the feast of St. Wenceslas, representing the symbol of Czech statehood.

    The main goal of SHF is the presentation of the so-called informed interpretation of early and sacred music in sacred spaces, in an effort to restore this music to its original meaning. High quality festival dramaturgy of the director of SHF doc. Mgr. Igor Františák, Ph.D. is guided by three main lines: monumental vocal-instrumental concerts, programs focused on the so-called authentic interpretation of early music and chamber and solo projects, which are annually supplemented by non-traditional and crossover projects. SHF systematically supports the talents of the young generation, presents the winners of prestigious competitions, modern premieres and unique projects (crossover projects, ballet, video art or film in the church). He also patriotistly takes care of the genius loci by presenting concerts by Moravian-Silesian natives of European artistic parameters and works by forgotten composers who have lived and created in the region since the Baroque period. The prestigious SHF residential ensembles are Collegium 1704, Collegium Marianum, Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno.

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    Dr. Šmerala 6
    702 00

    Symbolic Fest Open Air

    Symbolic Fest Open Air

    Central Bohemian Central Bohemian


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    Topolná 125
    687 11



    South Moravian South Moravian

    Festivals|Jazz|Other|Pop|Rock|Singer / Songwriter|World

    Music and theatre festival in Znojmo

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    Velká Mikulášská 463/11
    669 02

    Štěrkovna Open Music

    Štěrkovna Open Music

    Moravian-Silesian Moravian-Silesian

    Festivals|Hardcore|Indie|Pop|Punk|Rock|Singer / Songwriter

    A festival that can combine well-being and romance by the water with great projects that are not at other open air events, great bands, time for the family and a great party!

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    748 01

    Thrash Nightmare

    Thrash Nightmare

    Central Bohemian Central Bohemian


    We organize metal events in Písek since year 2013. We´re organizers of traditional club´s festival Thrash Nightmare, Heavy Metal Thunder, Burial in Sand and separate concerts. We focus on genres of old metal.

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    Tyršova 431/28
    397 01

    Třebíčský hudební festival

    Třebíčský hudební festival

    Vysočina Vysočina


    Co je Třebíčský hudební festival?

    Nejznámější vokálně instrumentální díla, zcela nová představení, netradiční hudební projekty, klasicky ztvárněné inscenace, soubory dobové interpretace, komorní orchestry, renomovaní umělci, začínající interpreti, tvorba pro děti a mládež, velkolepé kantáti i oratoria, minimalistická pojetí, komorní koncerty, operní recitály, to vše sloučené v jediném projektu Třebíčského hudebního festivalu.

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      Smila Osovského 2

      Třeboňská Nocturna

      Třeboňská Nocturna

      South Bohemian South Bohemian


      SUMMER FESTIVAL OF CLASSICAL MUSIC whose goal is to bring top Czech and foreign performers and offer visitors to Třeboň the music that is sometimes offered by the most respected Czech and world stages. Quality music performed by well-known performers in combination with the cozy intimate atmosphere of the Třeboň chateau or the courtyard of the Tereziánské barracks every year guarantees festival visitors unforgettable uplifting experiences.

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      379 01

      Velikonoční festival duchovní hudby

      Velikonoční festival duchovní hudby

      South Moravian South Moravian


      The festival dates back to 1992 and is the first festival of its kind in the Czech Republic. It responds to the constant interest of listeners in concerts of sacred music thematically connected with the liturgically significant period of Easter.
      The Easter Festival of Sacred Music remains a unique international project on the Central European scale dedicated exclusively to sacred music with an emphasis on exploratory and interesting dramaturgy and excellent performances.
      The key dramaturgical starting point is the very proximity of the most important Christian holidays. Among other things, the festival focuses on the line of discovering unjustly neglected works and actively acts as the initiator of new spiritual compositions.
      The festival takes place every year in two weeks between Květná and Bílá Sunday and is situated in Brno's churches.
      The Easter Festival of Sacred Music is a member of the Czech Association of Festivals (CAF).
      Festival organizer:
      Brno Philharmonic, p.o.

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      Komenského nám. 534/8
      602 00
